A Real World Example of How to Practice Self Care in Midst of Stress I saw a post this morning that read “Ready for another Tenacious Tuesday? Let’s get it everyone!” While I appreciate the enthusiasm and positive motivation, Monday was tenacious enough for me. Matter a fact; I was still feeling the pressure of…
Got Excuses? Cardio Circuit to the Rescue
You’re not alone. I am also an expert at discovering challenges to getting in regular exercise. Good news is I am even better at ignoring those challenges, also known as excuses. Practice makes perfect! My Challenges to Working Out Today: The solution to all of these challenges is usually the same, ignoring my momentary-self and…
Build Bone Strength and Fight Disease with The Sunshine Vitamin
It’s been well established by research that Vitamin D is essential to bone strength and fighting disease. Although Vitamin D is naturally only present in very few foods, we have an abundant, easy to access resource in sunlight. When ultraviolet rays from sunlight strike the skin, Vitamin D synthesis is triggered and Vitamin D is…