Natural light is the conductor of the orchestra that is our circadian rhythm – the 24 hour cycle of physiological processes constantly taking place in our bodies. Each and every cell looks to natural light to determine when to do what it was meant to do.
When we spend several non-sleeping hours without natural light, our bodies simply don’t perform optimally. Just 5-15 minutes in the sunshine can provide the re-charge you need to get through your day.
To really kick up the benefit factor of your time in the sunshine, combine it with a quick exercise routine. I’ll post one here. You try it and let me know what you think.
Equipment Needed
- Yoga mat or towel for core work on the ground
- Resistance band for upper body work
Warm Up
- Arm circles forward and backward 30 sec. each
- High knees 30 sec.
- Jump rope in place 30 sec.
*Repeat until breathing in and out of mouth or until you are slightly perspiring
Routine (Repeat x3)
- Push ups – 30 sec. work/30 sec. rest
- Bicep curl with resistance band – 30 sec. work/30 sec. rest
- Hip Thrust – 30 sec. work/30 sec. rest
- Slow Motion Squat Jumps – 30 sec. work/30 sec. rest
- Russian Twists – 30 sec. work/30 sec. rest
Cool Down
- Walk in large circle to cool down
- Gentle arm circles forward and back
- Full body stretch
Have questions? Would you like go through this routine with me? Reach out at [email protected] to schedule a session.
This came at the perfect time because Josiah and I just heard word from his Dr about him going outside without his sweater to get some vitamin D. Ha!
Hey Carmen! Glad it was another helpful reminder and glad he has such a smart doc.